Tömítés beépítő M

Special, hard to reach grooves and improper installation techniques are the major fault factor of seal installation and faulty seals. Seals mounted with these tools have only minimal risk of damage.
By using this tool, the installation will be risk free and speedy in the same time. The tool bends the PU seal items in omega shape, without making sharp angles. Thus the seal diameter becomes smaller than the groove diameter and it can be easily inserted into the groove.
4 different size tools are available.
Can be used in the size range of: 30 mm - 50 mm

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+36 52 540 555
+36 20 913 4498

H-CS: 8:00 – 16:30
P: 8:00 – 16:00

Intramark Kft. központ
4031 Debrecen,
Köntösgát sor 10.